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Sound Absorbent Totem: These are noise-canceling totem panels that provide effective sound absorption by prioritizing decoration in your workplaces and offices. It is used alone as a sound absorber. The NRC acoustic value (sound absorption value) is in the range of 0.95-1.00. Acoustic totem acoustic fabric-covered panels are fire-resistant, class B s2 d0 according to UNE - EN 13501-1: 2007 standard. The product is produced in standard 30 mm, 40 mm, and 50 mm thickness.
Sound Absorbent Totem
Sound Absorbent Totem
Sound Absorbent Totem
Sound Absorbent Totem
Sound Absorbent Totem
Sound Absorbent Totem
Sound Absorbent Totem
Sound Absorbent Totem
Sound Absorbent Totem
Sound Absorbent Totem
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