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Sound Absorbent Cubes: NRC acoustic value (sound absorption value) is in the range of 0.95-1.00. Baffle acoustic fabric-covered panels are fire-resistant, class B s2 d0 according to UNE - EN 13501-1: 2007 standard. The product is produced in standard 30 mm, 40 mm, and 50 mm thickness. Baffle ceiling systems are produced from coated or flat basotect sponge panels. Standard size is rectangular shapes such as 40 cm x 120 cm. We produce and sell in accordance with technical specifications.
Sound Absorbent Cubes
Sound Absorbent Cubes
Sound Absorbent Cubes
Sound Absorbent Cubes
Sound Absorbent Cubes
Sound Absorbent Cubes
Sound Absorbent Cubes
Sound Absorbent Cubes
Sound Absorbent Cubes
Sound Absorbent Cubes
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