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Product Descrıptıon
Camira X2 Fabric: Camira X2 provides nonflammability, tension, and wear performance with the effect of gray melange. Subtle dark tones create a texture and dimension in a fun color chart from bright to subtle neutral colors. The spotted design is a practical solution to help preserve the look. X2 is our first %100 recyclable fabric to contain closed-loop content. %25 of the raw material is acquired from our wastes, especially from polyester edges and thread remains. Our fabrics are certificated, and certificates can be found on our website. Turkish Acoustic is always at your service.
X2 AK001 Ratıo
X2 AK002 Polygon
X2 AK002 Polygon
X2 AK003 Fractıon
X2 AK004 Equatıon
X2 AK005 Algebra
X2 AK006 Value
X2 AK007 Maths
X2 AK008 Calculus
X2 AK009 Acute
X2 AK009 Acute
X2 AK010 Metrıc
X2 AK011 Medıan
X2 AK012 Add
X2 AK012 Add
X2 AK013 Subtract
X2 AK014 Multıply
X2 AK015 Dıvıde
X2 AK016 Percentage
X2 AK016 Percentage
X2 AK017 Formula
X2 AK018 Arıthmetıc
X2 AK019 Posıtıve
X2 AK020 Number
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