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Product Descrıptıon
Camira Nexus Fabric: Nexus is elegant and technical knitting that provides two-dimensional stretch and comfortable padding. It is suitable for both sitting and vertical surfaces. Nexus is in accordance with ACT volunteered performance directives and classified for heavy-duty upholstery. Camira Nexus fabrics, which provide you decorative look in sound insulation, is a fabric type with an elegant look. These are certificated and licensed products used in acoustic panel productions. Acoustic fabrics, which are used in acoustic panel production, are nonflammable and suitable for technical provisions. Certificates can be found on our website. Turkish Acoustic is always at your service.
Nexus UNY01 Pewter
Nexus UNY02 Lımestone
Nexus UNY03 Pacıfıc
Nexus UNY04 Berry
Nexus UNY05 Kıwı
Nexus UNY05 Kıwı
Nexus UNY07 Storm
Nexus UNY08 Denım
Nexus UNY10 Petrol
Nexus UNY10 Petrol
Nexus UNY11 Graphıte
Nexus UNY11 Graphıte
Nexus UNY12 Chalk
Nexus UNY13 Black
Nexus UNY15 Oceanıc
Nexus UNY16 Russıan
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