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Roll Adhesive Rubber: Elastomeric rubber foam materials with high vapor diffusion values provide good insulation and condensation control in the installation. What is Elastomeric Rubber Foam? Elastomeric Rubber Foam, which is widely used in ventilation and cooling installations, is an insulation material as its name suggests. Elastomeric Rubber-based, closed-cell, uniform cell structure. Elastomeric rubber foam materials with high vapor diffusion values provide good insulation and condensation control on the fittings. It can be applied after calculating the required thicknesses to save energy and prevent condensation on the installation.
Adhesıve Roll Rubber
Adhesıve Roll Rubber
Adhesıve Roll Rubber
Adhesıve Roll Rubber
Adhesıve Roll Rubber
Adhesıve Roll Rubber
Adhesıve Roll Rubber
Adhesıve Roll Rubber
Adhesıve Roll Rubber
Adhesıve Roll Rubber
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