Wall Calculator

Wall Calculator

Duvar Hesaplayıcı

How to calculate ?

How to calculate the wall area to be covered ?

The perimeter of the room is calculated by multiplying the total value of the width (A) and the length (B) of the room by 2. The gross wall area is calculated by multiplying the perimeter of the room by ceiling height (H). The door area is calculated by the multiplication of width and height, the window area is calculated by the multiplication of the width and height, and the area of the door and the window are added. The final value is subtracted from the gross wall area to find the total wall area to be painted.

How to calculate the ceiling area to be covered ?

It is calculated by multiplying the width (A) of the room by the length (B) of the room.

Determining the amount of the product:

How to calculate the wall area to be covered ?

Measure the floor, the ceiling, and the walls of your place in terms of latitude and longitude. Then, calculate the total square meter value of the place to be applied by filling the boxes on the right with results. This will determine the required material consumption you need.

Enter the dimensions, please

A - Width of the perimeterm.

B - Length of the perimeterm.

H - Height of the ceilingm.

! Fill in if you want to subtract the door area

Dw - Door Widthm.

Dl - Door Lengthm.

of doors

! Fill in if you want to subtract the window area

Ww - Window Widthm.

Wl - Window Lengthm.

Number of windows

Click the "Calculate" to complete the calculation process.

Dimensions of the area to be coated:

WALL area to be coated sqm. (m2)
CEILING area to be coated sqm. (m2)
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