Before Floor Sound Insulatıon
Click to hear the ambient sound before floor insulation is applied.
After Floor Sound Insulatıon
Click to hear the ambient sound after floor insulation is applied.
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Floor Sound Insulation: It provides insulation and insulation between 20 and 70 dB by using the products used in sample sections to provide common wall sound insulation and insulation of houses, workplaces, and spaces.
Floor Sound Insulation: Use TRK BOND PANEL for perfect impact insulation & isolation in applications intended for noise absorption and noise insulation & insulation that provide impact vibration damping and anti-vibration action used in floor & underfloor, under screed, under parquet applications in places such as residences, factories, offices.
Floor Sound Insulation: It is possible to insulate between 20 dB and 70 dB by using the sound insulation products used in the sample sections below for ceiling sound insulation in your home, workplace, and factories. It is necessary to make insulation depending on the sound decibel produced in which place is used for what purpose. For the most effective sound insulation, read the article carefully.
What is floor sound insulation, what are the damages, how is sound insulation made, what are the benefits?: In our living spaces where we spend our lives, our buildings and our surroundings are called sound insulation in short, in order to protect our buildings and our environment from the damages of noise, by being insulated with the most effective sound insulation materials. Floor sound insulation is called floor sound insulation to prevent the passage of sounds from one place to another, to provide loss of sound, and to reduce the noise in the area where it is produced. The sound made to prevent and prevent the harm caused to human health by the mixing of noise caused by sound interference in environments such as home, residence, cinema, office, meeting room, generator room, engine room, school, library, hotel, booster room, call center. The applications used for isolation with absorbent and sound insulation materials are called floor sound insulation.
1. Floor Sound Insulation: It covers the measures to be taken in order to minimize the harmful effects of noise on people, aimed at floor sound insulation and insulation. Noise is a group of unwanted sounds that are irregularly structured, have different frequency components, and are often variable with time.
1.1 Prevention of the Damages of Sound: Noise pollution is among the factors that harm human health and comfort, especially in districts where unplanned urbanization is carried out. The disturbing noisy noises made by the factories around us, the loud noise heard in the residential area around the airport, the voices of salesmen, the sounds of traffic, and the conversations coming from the neighbors are perceived by people as noise in different doses and threaten human health when it reaches a disturbing dimension.
1.2 Sound: It is a radial substance that travels by touching and air particles. Basically, two methods are used to combat noise. It is an acoustic arrangement and floor sound insulation. Acoustic regulation is the regulation of the reflection time in a closed environment, that is, to reduce the intensity of the sound by absorbing it at the point where it is produced. Floor sound insulation is to insulate the sounds transmitted through building elements with insulation products that will provide sound transmission loss.
2.1. Floor Sound Insulation Provides Healthy and Comfortable Environments
Noise is an undesirable and disturbing situation in terms of our comfort. In addition to this discomfort, it also creates negative effects on individuals in terms of psychological, physiological and performance. Noise can be the cause of behavioral disorders, a decrease in working efficiency, hearing loss, tinnitus, and some psychological diseases.
30-65 dBA I. Degree Noise
- Inconvenience
- Discomfort
- Feeling bored
- Anger
- Poor concentration
- Sleeping disorder
65-90 dBA II. Grade Noise
- Physiological noise
- Change of heartbeat
- Accelerated breathing
- Decreased pressure in the brain
90-120 dBA III. Grade Noise
- Physiological noise
- Headache
120-140 dBA IV. Grade Noise
- Physiological noise
- Headache
140 dBA V. Grade Noise
- Rupture of the eardrum
2.2.Floor Sound Insulation Makes People Efficient
Factory etc. as a result of noise. The productivity of employees in industrial facilities decreases, their attention is distracted, and as result work accidents occur. The decrease in work efficiency due to noise also harms institutions economically. A similar effect is seen in students in education. Students who are exposed to noise are distracted and their concentration is impaired, so they cannot understand the information given efficiently. Studies conducted on residents of Munich Airport have concluded that aircraft noise reduces children's long-term ability to remember and comprehend. In order for people to continue their activities efficiently, they must be free from noise with sound insulation.
I. Building Insulation
Wall, Floor, Roof Applications: Acoustic sponges, rubber barriers, soft polyurethane-based foams, melamine foam, felts, perforated metals, perforated woods, perforated gypsum boards, cork. Flooring Applications (only to prevent impact sound): Polyethylene, rubber foam, materials made of textile waste.
II. Insulating Glass Units
Acoustic Laminated Glass Solutions
III. Technical (Industrial) Insulation
Acoustic sponge, acoustic products, acoustic mattresses, polyethylene, polyurethane, rubber foam, springs, hangers, silencers, etc.
- TS 901 (01.11.1972): Fibrous Heat and Sound Insulation Material
- TS EN ISO 140-1 (18.03.2002): Acoustics - Measurement of Ground Sound Insulation in Structures and Building Elements - Part 1: Rules for Laboratory Test Sites with Suppressed Side Conduction
- TS EN ISO 140-3 (16.01.1996): Acoustic - Measurement of Soil Sound Insulation in Buildings and Building Elements - Part 3: Measurement of Airborne Sound Insulation Value in Building Elements in the Laboratory
- TS ISO 140-4 (16.01.1996): Acoustics - Measurement of Soil Sound Insulation in Buildings and Building Elements - Part 4: Area Measurements of Air Spreading Floor Sound Insulation Between Rooms
- TS ISO 140-5 (16.01.1996): Measurement of Soil Sound Insulation in Acoustic Structures and Building Elements - Part 5: Area Measurements of Air Diffused Sound Insulation of Exterior Wall Cladding Elements and Exterior Cladding
- TS EN ISO 140-6 (18.03.2002): Acoustics - Measurement of Soil Sound Insulation in Buildings and Building Elements - Part 6: Laboratory Measurements of Impact Sound Insulation of Soils
- TS EN ISO 140-12 (01.04.
- TS EN 20140-2 (16.01.1996): Acoustic - Measurement of Soil Sound Insulation in Buildings and Building Elements - Part 2: Determination, Verification and Application of Precision Information
- TS EN 20140-9 (16.01.1996): Acoustic - Measurement of Floor Sound Insulation in Buildings and Building Elements Part 9: Laboratory Measurements of Floor Sound Insulation from Room to Room on a Suspended Ceiling Filled with an Upper Filler
- TS EN 20140-10 (16.01.1996): Acoustic - Measurement of Soil Sound Insulation in Buildings and Building Elements - Part 10: Laboratory Measurements of Air Diffused Floor Sound Insulation in Small Building Elements
- TS EN 12758 (11.11.2002): Glass - Used in Buildings - Glass Systems and Air-Sourced Floor Sound Insulation - Properties, Descriptions, and Determinations
4.1. Current rules regarding floor sound insulation
- TS 2381 (05.04.1976): Evaluation of Floor Sound Insulation in Houses
- "Regulation on Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise 2002/49" published in the Official Gazette dated 01 July 2005 and numbered 25862.
- "Regulation on Health and Safety in Construction Works" published in the Official Gazette No. 25325 dated December 23, 2003
- "Noise Regulation" published in the Official Gazette dated 23 December 2003 and numbered 25325
- "Vibration Regulation" published in the Official Gazette No. 25325 of 23 December 2003
- "Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment" published in the Official Gazette dated 11 February 2004 and numbered 25370.
- "Regulation on the Use of Personal Protective Equipment in Workplaces" published in the Official Gazette dated 11 February 2004 and numbered 25370.
- "Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Employees' Occupational Health and Safety Training" published in the Official Gazette No. 25426 of 07 April 2004.
Our products have flameproof and nonflammability certificates and nonflammable/flameproof Firex; in nonflammability BS476: class 0 and Unı 9175:2008 M1 documents in European norms. They are anti-bacterial thanks to their dead cell structure and do not produce any mycose and bacteria.
Acoustic mattress products are in rolls of 130 cm x 32 MT, and their packages contain 40 m² of products. It can be produced in different thicknesses and sizes as a special production or as a plate. Please contact our technical office for detailed information.
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