50 mm Pyramid Sponge
50 mm Pyramid Sponge
50 mm Pyramid Sponge
50 mm Pyramid Sponge
50 mm Pyramid Sponge
50 mm Pyramid Sponge
50 mm Pyramid Sponge
50 mm Pyramid Sponge
50 mm Pyramid Sponge
50 mm Pyramid Sponge
Pyramid sponges are known as sound regulating sponges. It is successful in sound insulation and isolation. Fireproof pyramid sponge helps to cut off unwanted sounds, buzzing and echoing with sound absorption and cutting power. The use of acoustic pyramid foam is quite wide and is used in homes, offices and all Hall projects, but its use is also quite large in environments such as studios. Pyramid foams also have features such as preventing interference sounds. 40 - 50 - 70 it is produced in MM thicknesses and meets technical specifications.
As Turkish Acoustic, it offers a precise and accurate solution to all your sound insulation and sound insulation problems. Our sound insulation materials are completely domestic production. Our sound insulation materials are extremely high quality and all of them are fireproof. Absolutely no flame progression. He successfully passed experiments and tests on non-flammability and obtained certificates. We have always managed to make our customers smile with our strong references at home and abroad. Turkish Acoustic is always at your service. Please choose us. The Sound Is Turkish For"Turkish Acoustic".